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​Dolphins and Whales


I’ve never met anyone who is not a lover of dolphins or whales.

Something about these beautiful sea creatures seems to touch us at a deeply profound level.​​​​​​​​​​​​

The dolphin as totem medicine symbolises empathy and compassion. They epitomise love and understanding for all beings and all creatures, viewing the world as one of unity and interconnectedness. In their gentle interactions with other creatures, they display playfulness and affection for family, and for community.


The ancient whale has long been associated with wisdom and power. This spiritual totem symbolises intelligence, maturity, discernment and ancestral wisdom. It encourages the path of understanding, patience and thoughtfulness - leading to peace.


It occurred to me some time back that the whale and dolphin could provide a useful analogy when describing the work that therapists do - especially when trying to describe how Family Constellations differs from other, more traditional modalities.

For me, the dolphin can act as a symbol for the many useful modalities that we are currently blessed with, including traditional talk therapy, counselling, life coaching and my own Transpersonal Numerology. They are all comfortable and proficient in negotiating the waves of life, evoking empathy and understanding, and highly skilled at providing guidance at this level. And of course, like the dolphin, they too can dip into deeper levels of experience below the surface from time to time.


But not as deeply as the whale.

The magnificent and awe-inspiring whale represents exploring the deeper aspects of one's consciousness - delving into our submerged emotions and inner wisdom. It can therefore act as a perfect symbol for the Family Constellations modality which, like the whale, dives deeply into the submerged currents at play in our subconscious and our ancestral fields. It is here that we can uncover the often long-standing personal and ancestral wounds, which can be brought to the surface - and into the light of healing. And the ensuing freedom and euphoria that may be felt is not unlike the awe we experience when witnessing the majestic whale, as it breeches up through the waves.

And like the dolphin and whale, these modalities can swim comfortably alongside each other in the ocean of life – each having their rightful place – and all assisting their fellow beings to move through the waves and currents of their lives with more ease and grace.



Richard Higgins began his exploration of personal growth, esoteric and metaphysical subjects at the age of 21. During the last 47 years he has been exposed a wide spectrum of teachers and belief systems.


In parallel with his career as a film and television producer and director Richard studied the work of many metaphysical teachers, and has interviewed or met among others Neale Donald Walsh; Deepak Chopra; Diane Cooper and David Icke.


He has studied Gregg Braden's work; Drunvalo Melchizedek's Flower of Life teachings; and Gary Smith's Sacred Merkaba Techniques.  He learnt Shamanic work from, among others, Michael Owen of the Twisted Hair tradition, and with Incan Shamans from Peru.


Richard met J.Z. Knight and worked with Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment  both in Seattle and in South Africa. 


By blending the basics of Numerology, Creation Theory and Sacred Geometry, Richard has developed his own unique system called Transpersonal Numerology.



After over three decades in the film and television industry, Richard closed his production company to devote himself full time to his Numerology and to Family Constellations - the work developed by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger.  He facilitates workshops through his Family Healing Circle and also offers training in both modalities.


Richard lives with his artist wife Ronnie Biccard in Fish Hoek, Cape Town, South Africa.

  • Individual Family Constellations Sessions

  • Group Family Constellations Workshops

  • Family Constellations Training Intensives

  • Individual Transpersonal Numerology Readings​

  • Couples Transpersonal Numerology Readings​

  • Transpersonal Numerology Workshops​

  • Metaphysical Counselling

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